State trees of India राज्य वृक्ष

State trees of India राज्य वृक्ष

National Tree of India ( राष्ट्र वृक्ष ) Indian Banyan  बरगद, वट  Ficus benghlensis The State trees of India ( राज्य वृक्ष/ केंद्र शाषित प्रदेश वृक्ष ) List / सूची   No. Tree of the State / Union territories राज्य वृक्ष/ केंद्र शाषित प्रदेश वृक्ष English...

Secular Greeting JAI SHRI RAM

Once I went to a party and greeted my friends with ‘Jai Sri Ram’. One of my friends commented that I should use Secular Greetings. I put up my argument that when some body sneezes, English people say God Bless You. Muslims frequently use the word Insha Allah and so...

Life on Mars and Astrology

Recent evidence of water on planet Mars once again proves scientific base of ancient Indian writings and Indian Astrology. In our scriptures planet Mars has always referred as son of mother Earth. Now scientists of this age have confirmed evidence of liquid water on...